About Me

Hi! My name is Jenna. I am a wife, mom to 2 boys and 3 dogs. I’m a lover of the earth, nature, water, the ocean and animals. I am a healer. I’m a doTERRA Wellness Advocate and certified 200 hour yoga teacher helping people regain or improve their health, wellness and emotional well-being. I help people come with physical and emotional health, with the products they are using in their homes and in and on their bodies and also help create financial and time freedom for people who are longing for it.
I have been open to and interested in natural ways of caring for my body for many years. When essential oils were introduced to me I was looking for a natural solution for occasional nausea and head tension while pregnant with my 2nd son. I had a feeling it would be a better solution for me than other conventional options and I was right. Once I tried Peppermint and Lemon essential oils I started branching out to using the other oils I had purchased for everyday issues, eventually making my own cleaners, deodorant, toothpaste, dry shampoo and so much more. I started naturally sharing these solutions with my family and friends and eventually decided I needed to share them with the world. I am continuing to help lead other people to build their businesses with doTERRA as well. Why am I doing this? I know that we have better options for better health and I believe that everyone should be empowered to take care of themselves and their families with natural solutions for most issues that arise. Are you ready to take the next step towards better options for health, wellness, emotional support or your own business? You have nothing to lose and a better life to gain. Send me a message to learn more about essential oils, natural body care and natural supplements!
In 2018, after feeling the call to take Yoga Teacher Training for about a year, I finally decided to dive into training at Go Yoga Express in Swansea, IL. I have grown and changed so much from this training, deepening my practice and self exploration. I’ve stepped way more into my power as a woman and as a teacher, growing confidence and shedding what didn’t serve me any longer along the way. I continue to grow and learn everyday. I am now teaching at Go Yoga Express and sharing my love and passion for yoga with many other people every week! Would you like to join me for a class and see what yoga can do for your body, mind and spirit? Send me a message with any questions or for my schedule!
Are you ready to take the next step into living a more natural life and feeling better?