How I'm Tuning in to My Body
Have you ever noticed that during certain activities or on certain days you feel tension, jaw clenching, extra stress, etc? I think we...

Traveling: Energy, Health & Sleeping Well
You know how when you travel and during the trip or afterwards you feel really run down? I used to feel this way also. We just got back...

Feeling Discouraged?
We all go through moments, days or even weeks of feeling discouraged or down. When you're feeling discouraged your productivity will...

Are you Interested or Committed?
There is a big difference between being interested or committed to your goals. Watch my video and hear my thoughts on this topic and...

11 Ways to Feel Better Fast
Do you catch yourself complaining about how you feel or having low energy, being tired all of the time, worn down and crabby? It might be...

Go from stressed mama to calm
As a parent most of my days feel like a wild roller coaster. The day can go from happily playing and having fun to my toddler getting into t

5 things I have learned from yoga
1. The world will not end if you take time for yourself.
I used to feel so guilty doing anything for myself because I thought that I needed